Friday, July 10, 2009

Wow Fantastic books at the Library.

I can't believe I got this book at the little store where they sell old books at the Public library. I always cruise through it looking for crochet and craft books (dare I hope for a button collectors book) Yes). I always find good ones to build up my library. The pictures in this book are amazing and there are several of the old cloth sheets that were printed in the late 1800s for ladies to make dolls out of. I can print these out if I want. So exciting. also some of the doll faces are going to make great buttons. Some of the dolls I don't think were for children. They are kinda scarieeeyyyy. The one with the map for acuputure is neat. I am showing a couple of pages just for fun. click on my flicker account in the right column and look under the set with antiques. Hey Eva, won't it be fun to look through. Ha. Rosie and Libby are not in there though. :(

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