Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday - Finished a big job today!!!

Yeah!! Now I can try out my fimo leaf idea. I am baking them now. I want to make a leaf attached to a metal wire so I can put the leaf into a brooch. I also made some beads. Anyway we will see.
Mary Lynn, remember the silk I purchased when we went downtown???? Here are two things that I have made out of it. The skirt with the huge pockets and the overshirt with the hand stitching. Also Look at the neck piece. It is the collar you made. I found I could use an old pair of earings that have the clasp that pinchs. It works so perfect. This is what I will wear on Easter. Okay I Know it isn't the usual spring colors but hey it will be very light and cool. It is so lightweight. You just have to make this skirt. Of cours I have now lost the pattern. Where it is I don't know. It was a Marcy Tilton Vogue pattern. So cool. she is the best.

1 comment:

Karen Larko said...

I love, love, love this skirt! The pockets are awesome! Fabulous!