Thursday, August 12, 2010

PINCHED NERVE !!!!!!! Ouch

I haven't been writing in my blog lately because I have been struggling with a pinched nerve. I was outside trying to get some leaves down from a big old Sycamore tree and I was using a tree trimmer. I was poking things over my head so every now and then a whole bunch of debri would fall down and I would jump out of the way. I guess by doing this I messed up my neck. The doctor says it will take 8 to 20 weeks to heal. ARGH. It really hurts. I have been taking Vicodin like aspirin.
Anyway I am better today. I had physical therapy and he told me not to bend my neck. I guess he should have told me that at the beginning. I have been crocheting. Not something I can do as you have to bend your neck.
Did it really matter that there were old leaves sitting in the tree. What was I thinking? Sometimes you just think you can do anything.
Yesterday I saw a news article about Mrs. Obama and her little daughter who were on a trip to Spain. They looked so happy. It is such a contrast to what  I am reading. "I know why the caged bird sings" It is a story about another little girl who lives in a very segregated part of town called The Stamp.  She describes her daily life and her interactions with people and situations from the perspective of a child. The humiliations that she experiences and the fright that she feels are so wrong. Things do change. There is hope for us all.

I made this little pin for summer.

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