Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My new Roy Rogers shirt and big blue pants!!!

I love this shirt. It is so comfortable and when I wear it ahhhh!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Sketch of Mama!!!

This is a pencil sketch I did of mama when we spent Thanksgiving at Celestine's house at the Russian River. We were sitting out on the lanai in the lazy afternoon and I was asking her what she thought my little baby girl was going to be like. I was about 3 months pregnant and I was very excited about it. I think I captured the dreamy look that my mom would get on her face whenever she had a pleasant thought. She looks so happy in this sketch and I know she was thinking about my beautiful new daughter and her own daughters. We had such a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner except that one of Eric's childhood friends showed up with a bottle of wine which none of us drank so he proceeded to drink the entire thing. By the end of dinner he was a stumbling drunk with a bad attitude. We tried everything to get him to sober up and leave us. We even walked around the pitch dark valley with him. He bored us with the huge chip he carried on his shoulder and he would not shut up. Eric and I were a little scared because we had our moms with us and he was so dark. We were so happy when he left. Whew!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My new crochet hook holder.

I am making good use out the painting/collage I made to make Erin a purse out of. Now maybe I will be able to find my hooks. ha ha

Monday, August 16, 2010

Its such a happy day. I have my arm back.

I am so happy right now. I have my arm back. Okayyyy, I have to go easy but I don't feel like an ancient person. I think I can run again. I drew this picture of my niece Kelly. She is so cool and has such a neat attitude for someone just 13.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

PINCHED NERVE !!!!!!! Ouch

I haven't been writing in my blog lately because I have been struggling with a pinched nerve. I was outside trying to get some leaves down from a big old Sycamore tree and I was using a tree trimmer. I was poking things over my head so every now and then a whole bunch of debri would fall down and I would jump out of the way. I guess by doing this I messed up my neck. The doctor says it will take 8 to 20 weeks to heal. ARGH. It really hurts. I have been taking Vicodin like aspirin.
Anyway I am better today. I had physical therapy and he told me not to bend my neck. I guess he should have told me that at the beginning. I have been crocheting. Not something I can do as you have to bend your neck.
Did it really matter that there were old leaves sitting in the tree. What was I thinking? Sometimes you just think you can do anything.
Yesterday I saw a news article about Mrs. Obama and her little daughter who were on a trip to Spain. They looked so happy. It is such a contrast to what  I am reading. "I know why the caged bird sings" It is a story about another little girl who lives in a very segregated part of town called The Stamp.  She describes her daily life and her interactions with people and situations from the perspective of a child. The humiliations that she experiences and the fright that she feels are so wrong. Things do change. There is hope for us all.

I made this little pin for summer.