Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A purse made from painted canvas.

I made the first of a series of purses I am making for summer. It was more difficult to sew than I thought. I am sending this one to my daughter, but the next one I am going to throw in the washing machine to see what happens. Oh experiments are such fun. They continue with the house. ARRGGHH!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Erin's Beaver tooth necklace

When my daughter was in Virginia she visited a farm and while walking in the tall grass she discovered an old beaver skull with teeth. She sent me two of the teeth to put in a necklace for her. I felt the organic nature of the teeth was perfect for working with my metal technique. I had a great time creating the links. Working with the teeth was another story. When I had to drill a hole in them, much to my shock it smelled like I was in the dentist chair and he was drilling on me.  The smell was so strong. Yuck! I bleached the teeth and polished them but they are still kinda yellow and stained. Beavers have a hard life. I found the little beaver charm at my local bead store. It was the only one. So cool.  

Friday, June 18, 2010

Everything and Nothing all at the same time!!!

Well, now they have finished putting in the new air conditioner and heating system. They are working on the bathroom. Wow such a painful process. I made this little sock monkey to keep me company. ha. ha.
I am working on a lot of stuff right now but nothing is to the point for photos.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ooh, Ooh working with my husband!!!!!

I am working with my husband on a project. This illustration is a way to blow off steam for me. Why is it you are always attracted to your opposite.....So many of the ways we work are in direct collision. On the plus side when we do agree it is always completely. And if we work together, we find that we compliment each other.