Monday, June 21, 2010

Erin's Beaver tooth necklace

When my daughter was in Virginia she visited a farm and while walking in the tall grass she discovered an old beaver skull with teeth. She sent me two of the teeth to put in a necklace for her. I felt the organic nature of the teeth was perfect for working with my metal technique. I had a great time creating the links. Working with the teeth was another story. When I had to drill a hole in them, much to my shock it smelled like I was in the dentist chair and he was drilling on me.  The smell was so strong. Yuck! I bleached the teeth and polished them but they are still kinda yellow and stained. Beavers have a hard life. I found the little beaver charm at my local bead store. It was the only one. So cool.  

1 comment:

Lisa Loria said...

Cool necklace!

Congrats on being published. Happy to see your bracelets in belle Armoire jewelry!!!
